• What Is It?

    The Advanced Business Negotiation Academy is a ground breaking 6-week online course with downloadable workbooks, live individual & team based business negotiation simulations with peers, recorded video based simulations and individual coaching sessions with professional negotiators. It shows you how to be a world class business negotiator.

  • Who Is It For?

    The Advanced Business Negotiation Academy also known as the Absolute Negotiation Power Program is for anyone in the business world. Previous students include entrepreneurs, c-suite executives, investment managers, asset managers, salespeople, sports marketing executives, corporate procurement, program & project managers, business owners and others. It doesn't matter how much experience you have. You do not need any previous training.

  • Where Does It Happen?

    The Advanced Business Negotiation Academy course is delivered online over a 6-week period and consists of training videos, business negotiation simulations, exercises, tools, recorded simulations and one on one coaching with professional instructors. You complete it online, in your own time or as part of a corporate group with scheduled engagements spaced over the 6-week period. We are able to serve clients anywhere in the world in any timezone

  • How Does It Work?

    You watch the videos, complete the action items & simulations, use the provided tools and templates. Schedule your one on one negotiations simulations and coaching sessions with a professional negotiator, follow the process, and get results.

  • When Does It Start?

    The Advanced Business Negotiation Academy is an online course, it starts the moment you enroll. You can complete it in your own time and work through it as fast or slow as you wish. You get lifetime access.

  • Why Does It Exist?

    We created The Advanced Business Negotiation Academy because there was nothing that showed business negotiators how to confidently negotiate strategically AND tactically rather than pitching features and benefits at prospects or presenting evidence to numerous counterparts in the hope that they would be convinced by the facts. We filled that void, and in extreme detail.

Here's How It Works

To equip yourself with elite level business negotiation skills, content is not enough, you need an immersive environment. The Advanced Business Negotiation Academy provides proven process, extreme personal awareness, life like simulations and expert mentorship.

  • Proven Process

    We turned the guesswork of becoming a world class business negotiator into a science. Follow practical step- by-step instructions that are proven to work and track your progress using reliable frameworks.

  • Life Like Simulations

    Knowledge is not enough. Without muscle memory you will never be able to access the knowledge that you need at the exact point that you need it. Participate in simulations with you peers AND with professional negotiators.

  • Personal Awareness

    Discover who you are, interests, biases, habits, behavior patterns. Learn about your default approaches to business negotiations. Reprogram yourself for high performance business negotiation.

  • Expert Mentorship

    No matter how good the training is, you'll always have questions. Get access to business negotiation experts through two one on one coaching sessions and unlimited email support on demand.

  • Constant Improvement

    Your training materials and contents are constantly updated to make sure that they are relevant to the challenges that you face due to the macro environment (COVID-19 etc.). No outdated methodologies from days of past.

  • Cross Industry Application

    Business negotiation is first and foremost a people skill. Our methods and frameworks are proven in almost every major industry. As long as people are involved in the negotiation process we've got you covered.

'Dangerous' Business Negotiation

  • Discover your business negotiation strengths & weaknesses.
  • Learn how buyers (& you) think & reach decisions.
  • Develop ridiculous levels of deal making confidence.
  • Go toe to toe with the toughest buyers & executives.
  • Lead multi-disciplinary negotiation teams.
  • Cut through negotiation complexity.
  • Accurately identify all stakeholders and their interests in complex, high value transactions.
  • Out negotiate professional corporate procurement.
  • Out negotiate sole vendors.
  • Confidently lead negotiations with high value sports and entertainment related marketing assets. 
  • Close deals without being 'salesy' or 'sleazy'.
  • Negotiate effectively using any form of interaction (email, messaging, conference calls, video calls, in person etc.).
  • Effortlessly negotiate performance and compliance with assets under management.
  • Create an organizational negotiation capability for your business or team.
  • Evolve cutting edge persuasion skills.
  • Fortune 500 proven, mega deal tested business negotiation process.
  • Become a business negotiation coach.

Course curriculum

  • 1
    • How This Platform Works
  • 2
    • Complete Your Individual Negotiation Preference Profiles
    • Your Negotiation Preference Profile
    • Communication Preference Profile Assignment
    • Six Characteristics Of Elite Level Negotiators
    • Six Characteristics Of Elite Level Negotiators Self Evaluation Survey
  • 3
    • 1 on 1 Recorded Negotiation Simulations With An Imperium Negotiations Instructor
    • 1 On 1 Negotiation Simulation -- Debriefing Survey